The Lost Innocence

 The Lost Innocence

                 -Alveera Hafeez

What was my mistake,

This war has what on stake,

Why all my friends are injured or dead,

Why is there so much bloodshed.

They say God is listening to us,

They say there are humans among us,

But the humans I saw are either dead or monster,

Why such people always get America's foster.

Why are they not listening to our endless cries,

Why are they telling the world so many lies,

Why are they torturing kids like me,

Where are my parents, I can't even see.

All that matters is that I am a Palestinian,

I am the sufferer and I am the rebellion,

But where should I rebel in this endless war,

These bombs and attacks have made us sour.

My friend lost his stability a day back,

He is not well, he has lost his mental track,

The other one has lost her limbs and hand,

How will now she play, how will she stand?

When will all this bloodshed end,

When will our hearts mend,

I know nothing about our enemies,

I just know I have seen many tragedies.

I also wish to study and be a good man,

I wish to be a star who has many fans,

I wish to see the world beyond these weapons,

I wait but I don't know when will this ever happen.

I am all alone, surrounded by everything devastated,

I even don't know if my voice will ever be resonated,

I even don't know if anyone cares about me,

I just know I can't breathe and I can't see.

I am now going to sleep a peaceful sleep,

I hope my sleep takes me somewhere deep,

Where God caresses my head and loves his kid,

I now want to leave and forever close my lids.

And if ever someone reads this message,

I believe one of you will come to end this rage,

Because God told me this every week,

He created hearts who support the weak.



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